Upcoming: Park Slope Dodgeball in the Spring

The best way to connect with fellow Brooklynites is on the court, pegging each other with red foam balls. Or on the turf with some two-hand touch. ZogSports, the social, co-ed, charity-focused sports club has officially kicked off registration for its spring activities, opening its leagues to thousands of Brooklynites to meet for some friendly competition and socializing at post-game happy hours.The games take place in gyms at local public schools. For more information or to register, click here. A percentage of the proceeds goes to charity ($355K organization-wide, so far).
While entire teams can join the league, ZogSports also makes it easy for individuals or small groups to join by placing them on teams with other individuals. ZogSports also welcomes corporate teams and alumni clubs. The Spring 2008 season will mark ZogSports’ third season in Brooklyn after running successful leagues in Manhattan for five years. Having offered Kickball and Touch Football in the fall and Dodgeball (Park Slope & Williamsburg) and Touch Football in the winter, this Spring, ZogSports will invite Brooklynites to join us for more Dodgeball in Park Slope and Touch Football Downtown....Early Registration: through February 15. Late Registration February 9-22. Most leagues run from mid-late March through June.
Labels: Park Slope
I'm surprised all the goddamned liberals in Park Slope haven't banned this yet.
OMG! Dodgeball! How barbaric!
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