Monday, February 11, 2008

Some Slope Moms Not Feeling the Union Hall Stroller Coverage

That New York Times article on the Union Hall stroller ban and Park Slope parent culture seems to have elicited a bit of a response in Park Slope. OTBKB wrote a post yesterday saying the paper got the story wrong, failing to mention a plan to lift the stroller ban on some afternoons. Late last night, someone sent us an email originally posted to the Park Slope Parents email list that is making the rounds in local circles. Here are newsworthy excerpts:
Ah yes, another day, another NYTimes (or NY magazine) article trashing the Slope, we awful mothers in particular and all neighborhood child-friendly facilities or activities. Today's is by Alex Williams...According to Alex, we mothers react "testily" on blogs and with great "gusto" create an "onslaught" of children in an "extreme generational commingling at the local saloon" at all hours and ritually breastfeed at the bar!
It goes on to say:
I'm not suggesting a ban on journalists on this list, or a public flogging, but maybe just requesting that when that deadline is looming and the pressure's on, get a bit more creative than skimming the blogs and recycling the news just to characterize Brooklyn mothers, and fathers, as raging, crazy, spoiled, indulgent or whatever the stereotype of the day is.
More to come?



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