Upcoming: Abiyoyopalooza--African Music & Magic

Here's a cool event coming up on Sunday, May 18, from PLG Arts and The Maple Street School. It's called "ABIYOYOPALOOZA: African Music & Magic" and it's a free music and storytelling event for pre-school and young school-age children that will take place at the Audobon Center in Prospect Park. Here's a bit from the email we got:
On Sunday, May 18, 2008 from 2 - 4pm pre-school and young school age children and their care-givers are invited to the Audubon Center in Prospect Park for a FREE event. Musicians and storytellers Hasan Bakr and Kevin Nathaniel will introduce the children to the sounds of Africa and the African diaspora through the story of a young musician, a magician, and how they save their village from the evil giant Abiyoyo. Instruments include the djembe, mbira, bongo, and shekere. After the performance children are invited to take part in a craft activity inspired by the Abiyoyo story. Free copies of the book “Pete Seeger’s Storysong ABIYOYO” will be distributed courtesy of Simon & Schuster, Children’s Publishing Division.Sounds like a great event.
Labels: Events, Prospect Park, Prospect-Lefferts Gardens
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