Disconnected in Brooklyn on Craigslist: What's Up at Jury Duty?

jury duty brooklyn bumblefuck - w4m - 26And this one:
you had to move over so i could plug in my laptop, and we chatted before you were dismissed. later i noticed you walking in front of me at fulton mall and i turned into a bumbling fool.
well, sir, i found the G train after all and i keep wishing i had given you my number. if you want it, it's yours.
jury duty brooklyn - m4w - 28So, possibly, they could get with each other if they don't find their respective jury duty missed connections?
We were both waiting to be called in, you got the call, I didn't. You were striking with brown hair and a tan sweater over a striped shirt. I had a beard, glasses and a tie. If only that court house didn't seem so creepy...
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