Testing Starts at Controversial 360 Heavy Metal Building Site

Residents were quite shocked to see two trucks on the site and one large dumpster. People counted "5 spots" that they dug. Some people say they are determining how far below the roof of the SUBWAY!! station is.Apparently, an email went out from the Carroll Gardens Neighborhood Association saying that Council Member Bill de Blasio's office told residents that testing work would be starting:
Tom sent a quick message today to let everyone know there would be some testing activity at the 360 Smith site. They will be digging at the site to test boundaries (the ceiling of the MTA station and the foundation); the testing will consist of digging and then refilling the test area.? This is testing only and not the beginning ofPardon Me For Asking, from where the photo above came, has many photos of the activity.
Labels: Carroll Gardens, Smith Street
great - I can't wait for this to screw up the F train. I didn't even think about that possibility until now.
Ton Gray's "quick message" arrived a la pony express at 6:00 PM on a local list serve no less after all the drilling was already done. Given the existence of telephone lines and email addresses in the C.G. area, that wasn't exactly "helpful" from the Councilman's office's end. Next time, a simple telephone call or two, or an email, arriving BEFORE(!) the end of the business day might be infinitely more "helpful".
If they screw up the F train or at the very least the subway entrance that will be a nightmare if it coincides with the 9th St. station renovations.
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