On the Sofa: GL Reader Comments

More Public Place: Hudson Companies "Gowanus Green" in Detail. "Well that all looks pretty fascinating in a Planet of the Apes futuristic sort of way. Love the photographer with the long lens and camera bag. What could be of interest? Toxic waves? Bloated dead fish floating in the canal? I love the woman strolling with the shopping bag. Where is she going? To Joe's Superette on Smith for some rice balls??? Why isn't there a rendering of the dirty, filthy packed F train platforms? Or the, probably, finished by then, Smith & Ninth station? This all looks promising enough and it could be much more hideous." [Anonymous]
Canadian Picked to Run Huge Ikea in Red Hook. "Local organizations, especially Red Hook Rise, are confidant that IKEA will offer lots of jobs to locals. Fairway set a good precedent. Most of the employees there are local, and the service is excellent. To be sure, it's not Madison Avenue, but the will is there, at least for customers willing to take their assistance with a bit of funk." [Matthews]
Things Get Crappy at the Bergen St. 2/3 Station. "That will teach you to use the trashcan. Drop your trash at your feet as soon as you are done with it. Don't think about it, merely let the useless cup, wrapper, paper fall from your hands when it is no longer needed. No need to walk the extra distance to the trashcan and look what it got you." [Anonymous]
"Terrible Service" at the Park Slope Library? "If you've not already done so, get registered on the Brooklyn Public Libary web site and figure out how to search for and reserve books throughout the Brooklyn system. If you know what you want, you can ask them to get it for you. They will deliver it to the branch you select, and send you an e-mail when it arrives. [Nicola]
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