Brooklinks: Saturday Very Visual Edition

[Green Street Time Machine courtesy of chicapoquita/flickr]
- A Girl and Her Father in Prospect Park [Blue Jake]
- Neptune Afternoon [Atomische]
- Crates [Lex's Folly]
- Sleeping Beauty on Manhattan Avenue [New York Shitty]
- Late Night Filming at Cobble Hill Cinema [BK 11201]
- Moon Over Brooklyn Bridge [Self-Asbsorbed Boomer]
- Port Authority Trapping Cats at JFK [Gothamist]
- Group Say Port Authority Lying About Not Harming the JFK Cats [Gothamist]
- Park Slope Psycho Geographics [Brownstoner]
- Lambda Independent Democrats (LID) Take Stand Against Atlantic Yards [No Land Grab]
- Great Pupkin at Fort Greene Park Moved to Sunday [Clinton Hill Blog]
- Reminder: Electronics Recycling in Bay Ridge This Weekend [Green Brooklyn]
- A Blogged Week [Bay Ridge Rover]
- Coney Island at Christie's [Kinetic Carnival]
- Bed-Stuy Haunted Houses [Bed-Stuy Blog]
- Pervy Polka for the People [New York Shitty]
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